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I am Simona - the main driving person behind Plant Whisper. 

My background is in contemporary dance, physical theatre, circus arts, vegan cooking, nutrition, herbalism & foraging.

I am currently studying Herbal Medicine at the Irish School of Herbal Medicine. I am super interested in the medicinal and magical properties of native plants, their history & folklore, how to use them in cooking and healing, in ceremony & ritual,  how to make art and other useful things with them and how to learn from the plant kingdom. I think that plants have got a lot to teach us about right relations with the more than human world so there is a lot of insight, wisdom and medicine to be received through an intentional interaction with native plant species. 

I still perform as a dancer and circus performer but my main focus at the moment is developing Plant Whisper, organising & running its events & teaching Funprovisation Movement Practice. 


The Story of Plant Whisper

The idea for Plant Whisper came to me in 2020 as the pandemic hit the world and we suddenly found ourselves with a lot of time on our hands and not much opportunity for creative outlet. In this time of isolation, hibernation and gestation I experienced a massive upgrade of consciousness as I am sure everyone had in their own way.  I was drawn to the earth, to my garden, the soil, the plants,  the insects, the birds, the skies, the moon, the stars, the sun. And of course soon I found myself treading upon the wilder places - woodlands, moors, hills, rivers, lakes, sea coasts... This time spent with the wild ones, awakened a sense of belonging within myself. I realised that I am one of these wild ones and so is every human on the planet. We are children of the Earth as is everything else in existence on this planet and we are as wild as the dandelions, the shrubs, the trees, the birds, the  I came to embody more and more a sense of being a Custodian of the land rather than a guilty, frustrated and destructive human.  Gradually and seamlessly my body remembered how to be in right relation with the world, how to honour the cycles of life and death, how to interact respectfully with the land in a way that is healing for everyone involved. I remembered how to listen to the whispers of the plants, the winds, the waters, the soil, the animals, the insects... This beautiful animate world spoke to me about its medicines, poisons, safety and dangers, how to approach the global ecosystems I (we) belong with and how to be in right relations with the more than human family. My desire to share this wondrous, alive, infinitely intelligent world with other humans is what prompted me to create Plant Whisper. 



Send me an email if you want to get involved and support the growth of Plant Whisper, or if you just want to learn more. I am always open for connection and collaboration. 

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